50 UNPRONOUNCEABLE Words by Patrick ogbahiagbon

1. Gargantuan –extremely large
2. Bugaboo – an object of fear
3. Pooh-pooh – Dismiss as being
foolish or impractical
4.Perfidy – deceitful or
5. Repugnant – extremely
distasteful and unacceptable
6. Insalubrious – unwholesome and
7. Odoriferous – having an odor.
8. Sardonic – Scornfully mournful
or cynical
9. Lugubrious – mournful, sad,
10. Obfuscate – To make something
less clear and more difficult to
11. Cascading – a large amount of
something hanging down
12. Malodorous – smelling very
13. Termagant – a woman who is
very strict and who tries to tell
people to do things in an
14. Paraplegic – A person who
suffers from paraplegia
15. Crinkum-crankum – Elaborate
or detailed (archaic)
16. Empyrean – literary relating to
17. Conundrum – A confusing
problem or question that is too
difficult to solve
18. Alacrit – great willingness or
19. Tinge– to add a small amount
of color to something
20. Braggadocio – Boost full or
arrogant behavior
21. Megalomania – a mental illness
or condition in which somebody
has an exaggerated belief in their
own importance or power.
22. Mendacious – Not telling the
23. Mores – the customs of a society
24. Rosicrucian – a member of a
secretive society concerned in the
study of metaphysical, mystical and
alchemical lore.
25. Hierophants – A person
especially a priest who interprets
sacred or esoteric mysteries
26. Objurgates – rare and severe
27. Indubitable – impossible to
doubt and unquestionable
28. Egregious – Outstandingly bad
and shocking.
29. Vaudeville – a type of
entertainment popular in the late
19th and early 20th centuries,that
includes singing,dancing
30. Audacious – lacking respect,
31. Ratiocination– The forming of
judgment by a process of logical
32. Ballyhoo – extravagant publicity
33. Quagmire – a complex or
difficult situations
34. Phantasmagoria – a sequence of
imaginary images
35. Plummeted – to fall from a high
level or position
36. Sui Generis – Unique
37. Ferocious – Fierce, cruel or
38. Miasma – an unpleasant smell
39.Apotheosis – the highest point in
the development of something
40. Excrescence – an unattractive
or superfluous feature
41. Mobocracy – rule or domination
by the masses
42. Proclivities – An inclination or
43. Kakistocracy – Government
under the control of a nation’s
worst or least qualified citizens
44. Lampoon – public satire or
45. Déjà vu – a feeling of having
already experienced the present
46. Recumbent – Inactive, Idle.
47. Terminus – The end of
48. Perfidy – The act of violating a
promise, faith or vow
49. Mephistophelean – wicked
50. Jiggery-pokery – Tricky,
misrepresentation and



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